The problem
SaferAfrica supports national and local governments and stakeholders in order to understand the current weaknesses in the management of road safety, by providing them easily realizable projects, e-learning and examples of international good practices.
There is a substantial lack of detailed knowledge about the number of road accidents and victims occurring in Africa, as well as the risk factors of accidents and their consequences. This situation is exacerbated by insufficient funds for the realization of the African Road Safety Action Plan and a poor decision making of political representatives and stakeholders, not supported by adequate evidence about risk critical factors, related actions and good practices. Furthermore, low skill levels and capabilities available in Africa may also lead to an outsourcing of strategic actions, such as planning.
Our approach
SaferAfrica project, based on the sharing of expertise between Europe and Africa, has managed to:
- develop the African Road Safety Observatory, a collaborative web portal that provides specialized information, such as fact sheets about countries, good practices and webinars;
- develop a dialogue platform that connects political representatives, contributors and professionals committed to road safety, in order to plan and project road safety actions;
- create a Road Safety Management Capacity Review in five countries, by defining short-term specific projects;
- develop an e-learning full course in road safety, aimed at both experts and not.
NTUA, Vias Institute, IRF, IFSTTAR, Loughborough University, LNEC, SWOV, SITRAS, APRE, Chalmers, ENSTP, HI, Alcol, Ici-Santé, CITA, SSATP