ICT Systems for Mobility

ICT Systems for Mobility

CTLup’s know-how in the study of the effects of ICT innovation on logistics and freight transport is expressed in the design of logistic systems, the development of new management models for logistics, the development of applications for vehicle routing, re-engineering and management innovation and others

The development of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) at the service of mobility has been one of CTL’s main tasks since being set up.

At the basis of the research in this field, used in many projects is the on-board instrumentation (FMS – Fleet Management Systems) developed by us: instrumentation which makes it possible to monitor vehicle usage, performance, consumption and emissions. This ICT instrumentation, interfaced with onboard sensors, detects all the driving parameters of the vehicle, as well as its energetic response and, with the use of appropriate models, its instantaneous emissions. 

We work on the integration of huge amounts of data (big data) coming from different sources (e.g., on-board units, telephone data, fixed monitoring stations) to dynamically assess the transport offer and demand performance.

We develop applications for vehicle routing with call systems (Dial-a-ride) and advanced information systems for the recognition and reading of images which we use in traffic flow surveys and in the analysis of the road safety level. 

Specific services provided:

  • fleet management;
  • estimation of environmental impacts from traffic;
  • mobility analyses based on big data;
  • data models for traffic management and information.

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