Road Analyst

Road Analyst

Road Analyst is the road assessment software solution that measures and improves risk awareness, encourages good practices and fosters the implementation of road infrastructures able to reduce serious and fatal accidents

Road Analyst is a software for road assessment (or RAP, Road Assessment Programme) to evaluate performance in terms of road safety at national, regional and local level. The software uses a new simplified methodology based on the automated analysis of video images.

Road Analyst is a web based system created to assist Public Administrations, professionals and road operators in the identification of critical road sections also in the absence of a reliable database on traffic and accidents; its simplified methodology has been applied to the primary road network in Mozambique and Liberia.

Its practicability in a context like that of the African region means that such system is particularly suitable to being used in low and medium income countries.


  • Automated data collection: automated recognition and recording of road infrastructure from video images;
  • Automated performance estimate: facilitated identification of the GRS calculation (Global Risk Solutions) and “personal” risk scores for three categories of road users (motor vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians) according to the technology implemented;
  • Web based: no requirement for the installation of the software, complete compatibility with all operating systems;
  • User-friendliness: simple and legible interface, the results of the risks assessed (every 100 metres) are shown on maps or tables;
  • Advanced functionalities: simulation of the impact of potential countermeasures, fully downloadable results for further analyses;
  • Complete documentation: guidelines are given for the video analyses and the collection of all the information supplied, and the same applies for the software installation and user manuals;
  • “As a service” solutions: the service is inclusive of system customisation, training, maintenance, online and offline support, detailed reporting on the roads assessed.


  • Automated data collection: recognition and recording of road infrastructure features from video images;
  • Analyse the images through Artificial Intelligence techniques;
  • Generation of a road risk index (every 100 metres) for three categories of road users (motor vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians), as well as the calculation of a global risk score (GRS);
  • Results of the assessed risks are shown on maps or through downloadable tables Advanced features: simulation of the impact of potential countermeasures, all outputs downloadable for further analysis.

Download product factsheet here

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