Planning and Management of Transport Systems

Planning and Management of Transport Systems

CTLup offers training courses in transport system planning and management aimed at every level of involvement in the decision-making, organisational, management and operational chain

The planning and management of a transport system require the integration of a multitude of interdisciplinary competencies. Our courses aim at enhancing the capacity of the experts involved in the different stages, on the basis of both a theoretical “strengthening” and the development of an immediate operational capability to apply in the field. 

Our courses are addressed every level of involvement in the decision-making, organisational and operational chain. Thanks to the experience gained in the field in the many national and international projects carried out, we have the expertise to train professionals able to intervene efficiently to improve the sustainability of transport systems. 

We teach how to assess, measure and improve the level of sustainability, how to build and use simulation models of passenger and freight transport, how to make ex-ante assessments and monitor the results of the completed interventions ex-post.

Using the most innovative methodologies, we also train experts able to develop plans at different levels of geographical coverage (urban, regional or national) and with different contexts of application (road safety, local public transport, city logistics, cyclability, business, school). In all the courses the participants engage in real cases, drawn from our most important projects. 

Customisable according to the client’s needs, our core courses cover: 

  • Sustainability of transport systems;
  • Modelling and simulation of transport systems;
  • Construction of offer and demand models;
  • Sustainability policies;
  • Freight transport and logistics;
  • Investment evaluation.

Planning instruments:

  • Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan;
  • Urban Traffic Masterplan;
  • Regional Transport Plan;
  • Road Safety Plan;
  • Local Public Transport Plan;
  • Urban Freight Distribution Plan;
  • Cyclability Plan;
  • Business/School Mobility Plan;
  • Mobility management and PSCL.

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