
CTLup is located in the Faculty of Engineering of the Sapienza University of Rome. You can find us at San Pietro in Vincoli, in the former Convent dei Canonici Regolari of the Congregazione del Santissimo Salvatore in Laterano.

We are on one of the Seven Hills of Rome, the Esquiline: or, more precisely, on the Fagutale which is the highest of the three elevations forming the hill. The roads around our premises closely follow the course of the ancient Vicus, around which were built monumental buildings like Nero’s Domus Aurea, the Baths of Titus and Trajan and the Praefectura Urbis.

To work, look up and see the history and roads before us laid out more than two thousand years ago is a privilege, but above all an invitation to unite a centuries-old tradition and the impetus into the future that is our trademark.

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