Road Safety Analysis and Design

Road Safety Analysis and Design

CTLup is available to offer training courses dedicated to designers and users involved in the design of road safety solutions, in a customised manner at different in-depth levels of the subject and orienting the teaching towards knowledge objectives relevant to each role and position involved

Road safety improvement has traditionally been based on empirical approaches, in which the analysis of the problems and the choice of interventions were almost based exclusively on the experience of the technicians involved. These approaches do not make it possible to grasp the extreme complexity of accident phenomena, whose analysis and resolution require a scientific approach, based on data, appropriate methods of analysis, technical instruments and information systems for decision-making support. 

This is the approach adopted by us, on the strength of numerous international research projects and teaching of Road Safety courses at the Sapienza, in the training of professionals, technicians, police forces and decision-makers. 

We train experts in accident data harvesting and analysis methods, the dynamic reconstruction of accidents, the choice of the most effective and efficient interventions, the drafting of a plan, the creation and management of monitoring centres, and implementation techniques of safety audit, safety inspection, road safety impact assessment.

In all our courses we make use of specific software and our participants take on real cases, sometimes including field inspections. 

Customisable according to the client’s needs, our core courses cover: 

  • Basic road safety concepts;
  • Collection, management and analysis of accident data;
  • In-depth investigation and dynamic reconstruction;
  • Risk factors and intervention planning;
  • Intervention monitoring and assessment;
  • The Road Safety Plan;
  • The management of Monitoring Centres;
  • Road infrastructure safety management (Safety Audit, Safety Inspection, Road Safety Impact Assessment).

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