Ad hoc Information Systems

Ad hoc Information Systems

CTLup is active in the development, customisation and maintenance of information systems in the areas of mobility, logistics and road safety with services relating to user training, telephone help desk, IT and on-site assistance and others

Since it was established, one of the strengths of our group has been its multi-disciplinarity and its ability to combine transport research with the capacity to develop information systems that can considerably support and enhance its potential. 

We use cutting-edge development methods for this scope, participating as active members in important networks, like UNINFO. We develop both market software and ad hoc information systems, which we offer our clients as a part of our services. Each road safety monitoring centre that we develop (CEREMSS, CeMoSS), each Crowdsourcing portal (PRMTL, PUMS di Roma) is customised by means of appropriate surveys and coaching/support activities according to the needs of the client, that is then trained in its use and assisted in their work activities. 

We focus particular attention on maintenance activities which we carry out in various forms: 

  • preventive/routine maintenance: assesses the integrity and functionality of the on-line systems and services at least once a week or every time that updates and/or modifications are made which change its “status”;
  • corrective maintenance: ensures the operability and functionality of the entire system, by means of the removal of residual errors (bugs), unidentified during the development phase;
  • evolutive/adaptive maintenance: makes changes to the architecture, functions and web product pages aimed at guaranteeing the constant adherence to the evolution of the technological environment of the information system and at implementing normative and legislative changes; 
  • improvement and perfective maintenance: offers the possibility, should it be necessary, to implement new functionalities, dashboards for internal use, pages and contents for online visualisations.

We then continue to “look after” our clients with different support activities and a help desk for telephone assistance, chatlines and information technology.

Specific services provided:

  • tailor-made information systems development;
  • customisation of existing information systems;
  • improved, adaptive and evolutive maintenance;
  • training in use and coaching;
  • help desk for telephone and on-site computer support.

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