Road Safety Monitoring Centre for the Marche Region (CeMoSS)

Road Safety Monitoring Centre for the Marche Region (CeMoSS)

CeMoSS supports and monitors the management of road safety in the Marche Region

Marche Region

Location: Marche, Italy

Year of completion: Ongoing

Areas: , ,

The problem

Many aspects of road safety are hard to identify, elaborate and tackle without having an overall picture of accident numbers, ongoing policies in support of road safety, road conditions and user behaviour.

Such an overall framework must be configured as a starting point so that the authorities in charge of the study and analysis can identify the risk factors and draw up strategies and mitigation measures for road safety improvement by means of suitable technical instruments and IT procedures.

Our approach

We are creating the CeMoSS (Centro di Monitoraggio della Sicurezza Stradale) for the Marche Region, which supports and monitors the management of regional Road Safety, thanks to our in-depth knowledge of the accident phenomenon and the related factors and the planning of interventions and performance review. CeMoSS is organised in private and public areas accessible by means of its portal.

The public part of the portal makes it possible to publish trends, accident statistics, examples of good practice, detailed reports and road safety information.

The private part of the Portal, accessible with credentials, makes available specific instruments and IT procedures that permit:

  • the Regional ISTAT to locate the accidents transmitted by the Police Forces and elaborate graphs and detailed tables on them;
  • the managers, professionals and technicians to carry out in-depth analyses, understand the risk factors, organise and plan interventions to reduce the number of accidents on the entire regional network by means of the Safety Manager functionality.

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