PUMS Roma Capitale – Web Portal

PUMS Roma Capitale – Web Portal

Service to allow citizens to take part in the SUMP of Roma Capitale, by means of interactive instruments to make reports and/or proposals with map localisation

Location: Rome, Italy

Year of completion: 2021

Areas: , ,

The problem

The project was created with the following objectives:

  • promote and disseminate the aspects of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) to as large an audience as possible through a web portal;
  • make citizens participant and involve them in the decisions and choices to be made relative to the interventions of the Plan, to improve public and private mobility of the city and the metropolitan area;
  • give voice on SUMP to the opinions and ideas of the politicians, technicians, associations, and professionals of Rome.

Our approach

The following activities were carried out to realise the project:

  1. Implementation of the user-friendly SUMP web portal for citizens, along the PRMTL model (Piano Regionale della Mobilità, del Trasporto e della Logistica di Regione Lazio);
  2. Provision of an interactive map for reports and proposals put forward by citizens;
  3. Creation of a section of the site for videos of interviews with experts and citizens and meetings in the Town Halls;
  4. Subdivision of mobility topics into seven groups so as to facilitate the analysis of the issues: Public Transport, Private Transport, Urban Logistics, Cyclability, Environmental islands, Road Safety, Accessibility to all, Telematic Technologies;
  5. Map representation of the mobility scenario at the time of the SUMP launch.

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