BE-SAFE Belarusian Road Safety Network

BE-SAFE Belarusian Road Safety Network

Master in Road Safety

Location: Belarus, Europe

Year of completion: 2017

Areas: ,

The problem

In 2015 the death rate from road accidents in Belarus was equal to 70,04 fatalities/million inhabitants, a value that greatly exceeds that of the EU countries. This difference is due to a number of factors, among which a road safety management based on scientific evidence. In order to improve road safety in Belarus, it is necessary to strengthen the role of research in order to start and manage road safety policy on the basis of concrete data.

Our approach

The approach has been that of transferring to Belarus the most recent knowledge and good practices developed in the EU, in cooperation with local universities. The project sets out to:

  • develop two 1st level university Master’s courses (60 ECTS credits) according to the standards of the Bologna process for the faculties of Engineering and Economics;
  • “Train the Trainer”, or give support to Belarusian academics in the definition and delivery of the Masters;
  • create a national network of universities, public bodies, private companies and NGOs on road safety;
  • involve Belarusian universities in the European network of research centres on road safety.


Loughborough University, NTUA, BNTU, BelSUT, BrSTU, BSEU

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