PracticAl and Effective tools to moNitor and Assess CommErciAl drivers’ fitness to drive (PANACEA)

PracticAl and Effective tools to moNitor and Assess CommErciAl drivers’ fitness to drive (PANACEA)

Development and test of a holistic assessment system of driving abilities for commercial drivers in tandem with cloud-based countermeasures and coaching

Location: European Union

Year of completion: Ongoing

Areas: , ,

Link: https://panacea-project.eu/

The problem

Many of the accidents and fatalities occurring on European roads are caused by drivers that drive in conditions jeopardised by the intake of psychoactive substances. It is estimated that alcohol alone may be responsible every year for 10,000 victims on EU roads, or a quarter of all the road accident deaths.

On average, 3.48% of all drivers in Europe drive with an alcohol level in their blood greater than 0.1g/l, 1.9% after having taken illegal drugs, 1.4% medicines, 0.37% with a combination of alcohol and drugs and 0.39% with various drugs. Owing to their intense activity, the drivers of commercial vehicles in particular have a 20% greater probability of being involved in accidents linked to different types of alteration, above all when they drive at night or in the early hours of the morning.

Our approach

The aim of the PANACEA project is to create monitoring and assessment solutions of the commercial vehicle drivers through the application of  Use Cases (UCs), able to detect alcohol, legal drugs (barbiturates), illegal drugs (methadone substitutes), tiredness and stress. Drivers considered unfit by the assessment/monitoring system will receive  personalised ad hoc support from the cloud-based countermeasures and coaching software.

The Commercial Health Toolkits (CHT), which combine assessment/monitoring techniques with countermeasure proposals, are adapted to the specific needs of each UC. The CHTs aim at becoming a support system for drivers and operators.


CERTH, VTI, Statens Vag- Och Transportforskningsinstitut, European Transport Safety Council, Chalmers, Loughborough University, Roadpol e.V, Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH and others

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