The problem
Palestrina, a Municipality of the metropolitan city of the Capital Rome, situated on the slopes of Monte Ginestro and rich in monuments and museums bearing witness to its historical importance, has adopted a General Urban Traffic Plan (PGTU, Piano Generale del Traffico Urbano) which, serving the purposes set down in the regulations, aims at improving the movements of its inhabitants, with a view to forms of sustainable mobility.
A fundamental aspect for citizen wellbeing and the fostering of the development and growth of the population and the territory itself, lies in the planning of movements made within the town for work and leisure time. A better flow of vehicles, from private to public transport, enabled by a decongestion of urban traffic, produces a considerable saving in energy consumption and time for the local public.
Our approach
During all the phases of the PGTU drafting, stakeholders and citizens are involved so as to gain detailed knowledge of the mobility issues encountered on a daily basis and share interventions for their improvement. Their involvement takes place by means of the crowdsourcing area within the Palestrina PGTU portal, which works as a guide and support for promotion and dissemination during its entire drafting. The PGTU investigates and analyses all the transport systems, from private to public, focussing on aspects of road graphic reconstruction, the “Origin/Destination” matrices of movements and simulation models.
The final objectives are:
- improvement of traffic conditions;
- improvement of road safety;
- reduction of atmospheric and acoustic pollution;
- reduction of energy consumption;
- respect of environmental values.