Trendline General Assembly approved the additional KPIs for the project

Trendline General Assembly approved the additional KPIs for the project

Road Safety

The project brings together 25 EU Member States for data collection, data analysis, delivery of road safety KPIs and uses these within road safety policies

The Trendline General Assembly took place in Athens on 20th and 21st April 2023, with the purpose to analyse and test ten new experimental and complementary KPIs within the project. For each of these indicators a methodology will be developed and subsequently data collection and analysis will take place at limited scale in order to test the feasibility and reliability of the method.

The indicators are:

1) driving under the influence of drugs;
2) share of 30km/h road lane lengths in urban zones;
3) red-light negations by road users;
4) compliance with traffic rules at intersections;
5) helmet wearing of PMD riders;
6) self-reported risky behaviour;
7) attitudes towards risky behaviour;
8) use of lights by cyclists in the dark;
9) enforcement of traffic regulations;
10) alternative speeding indicators.

Trendline project brings together 25 EU Member States (as well as three other countries as an observer) for data collection, data analysis, delivery of road safety KPIs and uses these within road safety policies. This project is the biggest effort ever undertaken in Europe (and beyond) in the field of data collection and analysis for road safety performance indicators. It will help underpin road safety strategies and their monitoring at national and European level.

CTLup is the Italian Representative, appointed by the Italian Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports and actively participates in the Working Groups with road safety experts Prof. Luca Persia, Davide Shingo Usami and Brayan González-Hernández.

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