Presentation of CEREMSS Lazio, the Regional Road Safety Monitoring Centre

Presentation of CEREMSS Lazio, the Regional Road Safety Monitoring Centre

Road Safety

CEREMSS is the instrument whereby the Lazio Region supplies the means for knowledge sharing, data collection, monitoring, support for the planning of works on infrastructure and actions aimed at the safety of the roads of the regional territories and the development of the local Road Safety Monitoring Centres

The CEREMSS (Centro Regionale di Monitoraggio della Sicurezza Stradale del Lazio) was presented on 21 May  2018, as part of the Implementation Programme of strategic interventions for Road Safety in the framework of the National Road Safety Plan – Priority Actions, co-financed by the Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport of the Lazio Region. The technical aspects were illustrated by Prof. Luca Persia of the Research Centre for Transport and Logistics of Sapienza University of Rome.

CEREMSS is the instrument whereby the Lazio Region, which has entrusted its realisation to the ASTRAL S.p.A. (Azienda Strade Lazio), supplies the means for knowledge sharing, data collection, monitoring, support for the planning of works on infrastructure and actions aimed at the safety of the roads of the regional territories and the development of the local Road Safety Monitoring Centres. The project is in line with the European Road Safety Action Plan 2011-2020, and today’s initiative has been granted the patronage of the European Parliament.

CEREMSS has developed various areas of activity, each having its own characteristics and complexities in relation to Road Safety. Once the start-up phase of the SIIS (Sistemi Informativi Centrale-SIC e Incidentalità Stradale) had been concluded and thanks to which ISTAT accepted the participation of the Lazio Region in the National Memorandum of Understanding for the collection and dissemination of accident data, the management stage of CEREMSS began.

As well as publishing various information accessible to all, the CEREMSS portal also provides a Documentation Centre containing data, analyses and Best Practices in Road Safety, with instruments for awareness raising and education on the subject, including the downloadable APP  “SICUREZZA IN … GIOCO”.

Below the complete programme of presentation

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