Luca Persia

Current roles

  • Professor of Sustainable Transport Planning and Sustainability Science at Sapienza University of Rome
  • President of CTLup
  • Scientific Director for the CTL/CTLup of international research Projects: AUGMENTED CCAM, PANACEA, SHOW, Drive2theFuture;
  • Scientific Director for Sapienza/CTLup of Mobility, Traffic and Road Safety Plans for Ministry, Regions and Municipalities

Main experiences

Luca Persia carries out his research activities mainly at international level (European Commission, World Bank, UNECA). He has taken part in more than 35 international research projects, in some cases as general Coordinator, in others as Scientific Director for Sapienza University of Rome. He has also participated in strategic national projects (Transport Plans, Traffic Plans, Road Safety Plans, Infomobility Plans), often as Coordinator. 

He is part of a number of important national and international research networks, representing Italy in some of them. Among others: 

  • ECTRI (European Conference of Transport Research Institutes);
  • FERSI (Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes);
  • IRTAD (International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group, OECD – International Transport Forum).

Great part of his research activity is dedicated to projects for the development of low-income countries, with particular attention to African countries. Among the projects at present/recently coordinated, of particular importance are:

  • AfCFTA project – Study on the Implications of the African Continental Free Trade Area for Demand of Transport Infrastructure and Services in African Countries (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa UNECA) for the evaluation of the effects of the introduction of the free trade treaty among African countries on national and international transport systems;
  • SaferAfrica project (European Commission DG RESEARCH) for the creation of a scientific/institutional Dialogue Platform, which makes it possible to improve the knowledge of road accident issues in Africa and establish policies and interventions to reduce the number of fatalities and injured;
  • BE-SAFE project (European Commission DG EAC) for the introduction of research on road safety into the university system of Belarus, the creation of Masters on road safety and the development of national policies for the accident reduction;
  • Conception et Mise en Place des Bases de Donnees des Accidents de la Circulation et d’un Systeme d’Information sur la Securite Routiere au Camerounproject (Republic of Cameroon – World Bank) for the development and introduction of an innovative information system for the collection and analysis of road accident data in the Republic of Cameroon;
  • SaferBraIn project (European Commission DG MOVE) for the improvement of road safety in Brazil and India, through the development of innovative methods and measures, using the findings of the European research.

At national level:

  • National Road Safety Plan 2030 (Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport);
  • PRMTLPiano Regionale della Mobilità, dei Trasporti e della Logistica (Lazio Region);
  • CEREMSS – Planning, Facilities and Realisation of the Central Information System for Road Safety Monitoring of the Lazio Region (ASTRAL S.p.A.);
  • MOP Development of the “Mobility Operation PlatformInformation System for Public Transport (Almaviva, Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico);
  • Project for the creation of the Regional Road Safety Monitoring Centre of the Marche Region (Regione Marche, Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti);
  • Ports Plan of the Lazio Region (AREMOL, Lazio Region);
  • Monitoring and technical administrative assistance for the implementation of the National Road Safety Plan” (Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti).

He is a reviewer for international journals and chairman for national and international conferences.


In 2019 he was awarded the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award for his studies on road safety in African countries in the SaferAfrica project.

In 2020 he was awarded in the context of TRA VISIONS – EU Champions of Transport Research competition with the following reason: “Exporting the results of EU research to low and medium income countries”.

Born in Trabzon, Turkey, into a family of engineers–architects, Kagan loves travelling, especially in Europe. He defines himself as an optimist: in fact, he believes that everything can be managed and organised. He is keen on swimming and all water sports and favours science fiction novels and history. Last, but not least, he is passionate about his friends and his time shared with them.

Sevket Oguz Kagan Capkin

Roberto lives in Ciampino, where he was born. His rural origins often take him back to the countryside, where he tends to his plants and garden. It is there that he finds his natural habitat, restoring body and spirit. He is very keen on reading, technology, electronics and Hi-Fi and photography and in recent years has discovered a new hobby piloting a DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone in open spaces and taking pictures from above. He also loves walking, especially in the woods and the mountains, searching for mushrooms, blackberries and wild fruits.

Roberto Carroccia

SERGIO (Celestino is the surname, by the way!), was born by chance in Turin some years ago. He grew up by the sea and has lived in different places in Italy and abroad and now lives in an ancient Etruscan town, near Rome. When he was little he was blonde, then he played in pubs, was the hiker, the mayor, the dreamer; now he’s still an architect, not long been an journalist and is often forced to go to the gym because of his love of wine and cheeses. In short, if it were for him he would always have a rucksack on his back and his dream has been to fly since he was a child.

Sergio Celestino

Colombian, Brayan is keen on travelling (over 30 countries visited), so much so that in the last 5 years he has lived in four different countries. This has allowed him to have an open mind, discover other cultures and learn other languages: he speaks English, Spanish and Italian. In 2018 he began running by pure chance, and today running is very much a fundamental part of his life. He loves tattoos and this is obvious as he has 15 of them. Lastly, he is a promoter of sustainable mobility, moving on foot, by bicycle and using public transport.

Brayan González-Hernández

Artsiom, for his friends Artem, was born in Brest, Belarus, a town situated literally on the border between Poland and Ukraine. At present, he lives in a place with fewer boundaries, but just as beautiful - Rome. Artem challenges the chaos of the city by cycling, loves reading, travelling and doing sports, especially football, swimming and running.

Artsiom Sauchuk

Davide loves walking even though, every now and again, he prefers wandering around aimlessly – and as he’s an engineer we don’t even ask why. With an Italian mother and Japanese father, Davide has always sought to bring the features of both cultures into his work and life. In his spare time, he loves reading, especially the so-called “ninth art”: cartoons.

Davide Shingo Usami

Stephen was born in Kumbo, in the grass field areas of Cameroon. Growing up in an area with earthed roads which becomes very inaccessible during the long 8 months rainy seasons made him grow interest in studying Civil engineering. Being very passionate in promoting shared prosperity and in reducing poverty & suffering has motivated him to pursue his career on road safety where road accidents pose as “weapons of mass destruction” especially in low-income countries. While Stephen is a good goalkeeper who is always called up in his local football competition, in his free time, he loves cooking his cultural dishes (which he cultivates) and also spends time singing with his church choir.

Fondzenyuy Stephen Kome

Francesca is a Leo with a Leo ascendant: a combination that emphasizes her strong and determined personality. She doesn’t back out in front of challenges and difficulties. She loves staying in touch with people: a social animal that, selflessly, is omnipresent for those who needs her. She has always adored cuisine but, above all, cooking: cheesecakes are her main courses. She often says that, in another life, she will be a veterinarian, because she madly loves animals.

Francesca Damiani

Mohammed Khadeeruddin, for his friends Khadeer, comes from the vibrant city of Hyderabad, located in the southern part of India and known for its rich history, diverse culture and delectable cuisine. He enjoys immersing himself in the dynamic atmosphere of his city, concentrated around the iconic Charminar and the enchanting Golconda Fort: when he comes back in his homeland, during his leisure time, you can find him exploring the bustling markets, indulging in street food or, simply, relishing the city's laid-back charm. With a passion for cricket, he has honed his skills as an all-rounder, excelling in multiple aspects of the game.

Mohammed Khadeeruddin

Irуna comes from Ukraine. She was born in Kamchatka: somewhere very far, between Japan and Alaska, among volcanoes and geyser valleys, which most likely affected her love of active life. You can’t find her on weekends or holidays at home. She likes to travel, discover non-touristic places without using guides and create non-standard and fascinating trips for her friends. But a special passion for her is the sea in all its daily diversity and grandeur. She loves water sports: diving, snorkeling, and canoe. Although not averse to just relax on the beach and dream about something. She has inner resolve and a little adventurism that allows to cope with all the challenges that life throws at her. She never gives up and believes in the best under any circumstances.

Iryna Tkachenko

Tejas hails from Bangalore, often referred to as the “Silicon Valley of India”: his formative years have been greatly influenced by the city's thriving startup culture and technological advancements. He has nurtured a deep interest in percussion instrument and martial arts, culminating in the achievement of a black belt in Taekwondo. His fascination with drones has been a driving force in his life. In recent years, he has embarked on exhilarating motorcycle rides with a vibrant biking community, exploring the diverse landscapes, languages and cultures that India has to offer. Each achievement has added to the richness of his experience and personal growth. And, as he approaches the milestone of turning 30, he has compiled a list of aspirations he aims to fulfil.

Tejas Singri Krishnamurthy

Steffel is a Cameroonian from the west region of the country. His favourite toy as a kid was a beautiful wood made castle; but he couldn’t fit in, so he decided to be a civil engineer to build his own. Experiencing road crashes made him investigate the subject just to realise the magnitude of the problem, especially in low- and middle-income countries. He decided to devote himself in finding solutions to make transport infrastructure safe for users, efficient for governments and sustainable for the environment. Steffel enjoys calm and silence and adores playing with kids (contradictory right?). He likes cooking and has a passion for fighting disciplines.

Steffel Ludivin Feudjio Tezong

Marco was born in Rome where he lives with his family. He has loved technology ever since he was a child playing video games with his dad and he made it his career by graduating in computer engineering. During his career he has been involved in research, design and development of applications of various types working with various programming languages, as well as teaching for professional training courses. He loves video games and sports like football, swimming and recently padel.

Marco Di Rocco

“Clear, healthy madness”: perhaps, these words should be enough to describe Manuel. Scorpio according to Western astrology, Wolf of Irpinia according to his identity card. He loves the adventure, risk and improvising, the same quality that allows him to enjoy the most exciting travels, excursions and nights. He made his curiosity into his profession and combined it with his visceral passion for writing. Inviting him to lunch or dinner could be a great idea, especially if the menu is based on traditional dishes. But someone goes around saying that he could invite you, given his growing interest in cooking, as well as in team sports (football and basketball above all).

Manuel Merolla

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