Roberto Carroccia
Current roles
- Collaborates with CTL (Centro di ricerca per il Trasporto e la Logistica) since June 2005 and, at present, is responsible for the Information Systems and Coordinator of the IT group
- Enrolled in the professional register of engineers of the Province of Rome No. A27946 since 22/01/2007
- Member of the Association UNINFO UNI/CT 525 ITS (Sistemi di Trasporto Intelligenti) since 2018
- Minority partner of CTLup
Main experiences
Among the projects in which he takes part and has taken part as ICT Specialist, IT Manager and Software Developer, DB Analyst & Designer, of particular importance are:
- AfCFTA – Consultancy on the Study on the Implications of the African Continental Free Trade Area for Demand of Transport Infrastructure and Services in African Countries (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa UNECA);
- HCL – Healthy Cold Logistics (Bando “Fabbrica intelligente, Agrifood e Scienze della vita”);
- Smart Packaging 4.0 (Bando Lazio Innova Circular Economy ed Energia Progetti Integrati);
- CMSS – Centro Monitoraggio Sicurezza Stradale Regione Marche (PNSS 2001-2010);
- Pilot study to collect more robust accident data for Sierra Leone, Inception report, SLE2129A. London: ReCAP for DFID (Research for Community Access Partnership ReCAP. Safe and sustainable transport for rural communities);
- PUMS – Piano Urbano della Mobilità Sostenibile della città metropolitana di Roma (Agenzia Roma Servizi per la Mobilità – Comune di Roma);
- PRMTL – Piano Regionale della Mobilità, Trasporti e Logistica della Regione Lazio (Regione Lazio);
- CEREMSS Lazio – Centro di Monitoraggio della Sicurezza Stradale della Regione Lazio (ASTRAL S.p.A. – Azienda Strade Lazio);
- MOP – Mobility Operation Platform: Piattaforma integrata per la gestione della mobilità (ALMAVIVA S.p.A.);
- SaferAfrica – Innovating dialogue and problems appraisal for a safer Africa (European Commission DG RESEARCH);
- Design and Implementation of Traffic Accident Databases and of an Information System for Road Safety in Cameroon (Republic of Cameroon – World Bank);
- DaCoTA WP2 – Development of a pan-European system for the collection of data and in-depth analysis of road accidents (co-financed by the European Commission Directorate General for Mobility and Transport);
- SaferBraIn – Development of a new Decision Support System (DSS) for the reduction of the road accidents phenomenon addressed to the Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) (European Commission DG MOVE);
- Monitoraggio e Assistenza Tecnica all’Attuazione del Piano Nazionale della Sicurezza Stradale 2001-2010 (Ministero Italiano delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti);
- SafetyNet – Construction of a pan-European centralised database for the collection of data of road accidents and definition of an in-depth analysis procedure (DG-TREN of the European Commission).
- Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering with specialisation in Automation and Computer Engineering (1st class honours)
- State exam for the qualification to exercise the profession of Engineer in the sectors: Civil and Environmental. Industrial and Information
Core skills
- 25 years of experience in data collection and database management
- 16 years of experience in GIS and WebGIS geographical Systems, as Administrator and Manager of Technological Systems and in the planning and development of web and client/server applications
- Software Developer and Designer
- Information Technology and Systems SW-HW Maintenance and Assistance
- Database Administrator, Database & Data Analyst, Database Designer
- System Integrator & Administrator
- Programmer Analyst
- Document Management Software System Administrator and Manager