UNECA, CTLup in Addis Ababa for the CPSDTITIIT-3

UNECA, CTLup in Addis Ababa for the CPSDTITIIT-3


The Committee strives to be a vital platform for deliberating on the development of private sector in all the African continent

The Third Session of the Committee on Private Sector Development, Regional Integration, Trade, Infrastructure, Industry and Technology (CPSDTITIIT-3) was held on 14-15 November 2023 at the headquarters of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).

“Boosting regional integration, infrastructure, trade, and technology towards prosperous and inclusive green industrialization in Africa” was the central theme of this assembly, which strives to be a vital platform for deliberating on the development of private sector in all the continent. Building on the thematic narratives of prior sessions, this meeting confronted the complex interplay of climate change, pandemic-related disruptions, and geopolitical shifts exemplified by the Russia-Ukraine crisis, encompassing the following domains:

  • An evaluation of ECA’s contributions to inclusive green industrialization.
  • An avenue for rigorous dialogue towards consensus on African development priorities.
  • A catalyst for tangible advancements at regional and national tiers.
  • An exploration of emerging challenges within the purview of member states’ progress.
  • Guided recommendations to shape the trajectory of forthcoming subprogram work.

Participants included CTLup with its road safety experts, Brayan González-Hernández and Marco Di Rocco, who brought to the attention of political and financial institutions the feasibility study on the realization of three corridors (Northern, Central and LAPSSET) of paramount importance for the speeding up of freight and passenger transport in Africa.

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