The conference “Africa Continental Workshop on Road Safety: Overcoming the Challenge of Halving Road Deaths by 2030” took place online on 19 May 2021 with the main objective of obtaining the experts’ endorsement of the African Action Plan for Road Safety for the 2021-2030 Decade.
The conference will provide a platform whereby to deal with the following questions:
- update The African Action Plan for Road Safety (2021-2030) and align it with the global action Plan for the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety of the United Nations;
- go forward with the experts’ endorsement of The African Action Plan for Road Safety (2021-2030);
- review the work of the African Observatory for Road Safety (ARSO) and explore its contribution to the implementation of the second decade of road safety in Africa;
- ask the member States that have not yet done so to sign and ratify the African Road Safety Charter;
- promote the adoption of the speed limit of 30km/h in urban areas.
Among those taking part in the conference, including our director Prof. Luca Persia, were invited the following bodies: experts of the member States of the African Union responsible for road safety, general managers of road safety agencies, the African Union Commission, UNECA, UN resident coordinators, Regional Economic Communities (REC), specialised institutions, AfDB and IsDB, just to mention a few.