The report “The African Continental Free Trade Area and Demand for Transport Infrastructure and Services” is now available

The report “The African Continental Free Trade Area and Demand for Transport Infrastructure and Services” is now available


The report explored the effects of AfCFTA (African Continental Free Trade Area) on trade flows in the African region

The report “The African Continental Free Trade Area and Demand for Transport Infrastructure and Services” has been published on the Institutional Repository of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).

The report explored the effects of AfCFTA (African Continental Free Trade Area) on trade flows in the African region and asked how the AfCFTA signatories could reap the agreement’s full benefits through the integrated planning of trade and transport.

The core team preparing the report consisted of Robert Tama Lisinge, Chief of ECA’s Energy, Infrastructure and Services Section and Prof. Luca Persia, together his team at Center for Transport and Logistics (CTL) of Sapienza University of Rome.

Click here to download the report

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