AUGMENTED CCAM, CTLup in Madrid for the 5th Meeting

AUGMENTED CCAM, CTLup in Madrid for the 5th Meeting


Sevket Oguz Kagan Capkin represented our team during the 5th Partner Board & Technical Meeting in the capital of Spain

The 5th Partner Board & Technical Meeting of the AUGMENTED CCAM project took place in Madrid on 7th and 8th October 2024. Our expert, Sevket Oguz Kagan Capkin, represented CTLup for the fifth edition of project meetings.

The first day offered a great opportunity to discuss key updates on the project’s overall status, outcomes, and future milestones. The second day was the right occasion to detail cutting-edge solutions, test site pilots across Europe, and visit Spanish site solutions by ETRA, EMT Madrid, and TECNALIA Research & Innovation, showcasing: VRUs (Vulnerable Road Users) protection systems, traffic management optimization, emergency vehicle approach solutions, and ad-hoc UAV-based VRU protection for closed environments.

Furthermore, during the second day:

  • French test site updates were provided by highlighting road worker safety in the field (Université Gustave Eiffel, ATLANDES, Cerema) and minimum risk manoeuvres (Cofiroute, Valeo).
  • The Latvian test site brought exciting progress on: asset and CCAM vehicle localisation, non-equipped VRU protection, and temporary road work solutions (LVC, LMT Innovations, EDI – Institute of Electronics and Computer Science).
  • Partners saw optimised AV logistics operations powered by digital technologies from WINGS ICT Solutions & CTL.

The day was wrapped up with insights from Maria Gkemou (CERTH) and Thierry Goger (FEHRL).

Find out more about AUGMENTED CCAM project

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