“Road Safety in Italy towards 2030. Objectives and performance indicators” is the title of the event which took place on Thursday 16 November 2023, in the Spizuoco Room of the ACI head office in Rome. Among the topics discussed during the event, promoted by ACI and ISTAT, ample space was devoted to the presentation made by our senior expert, Sergio Celestino, “Performance indicators for road safety: the TRENDLINE project”.
Born as a result of the experience gained with Baseline, the community project Trendline brings together 29 Member States of the European Union (including 4 countries as observers) for data collection and analysis, the supply of KPIs and their use in the context of road safety policies. Within the framework of the project, the research Centre for Transport and Logistics (CTL) of Sapienza University of Rome was indicated by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport as representative of the project for Italy, developing a technical approach whereby to try and overcome the problems encountered in Baseline, among which the poor comparability among the various approaches used by the EU Member States and their inexperience on the issue.
Trendline’s ultimate goal is therefore to align itself with Vision Zero promoted by the European Union in the context of the 2021-30 Road Safety Policy and aimed at achieving zero deaths and seriously injured caused by road accidents by 2050. For this to be realised, a series of initiatives are necessary, aimed at a detailed planning for data collection, the purchase and testing of special equipment (radars, cameras, speed guns), as well as the drawing up of guidelines and field data collection for an increasingly more pertinent and detailed analysis.