Sergio Celestino
Current roles
Research fellow at the DICEA of Sapienza University of Rome, working on programming and strategic planning
Main experiences
Sergio Celestino, an architect, is a project manager with twenty years of experience in the Public Administration gained in local bodies, mainly at the Department of Public Works and Mobility of the Lazio Region and through elected offices, among which that of the Mayor of the Municipality of Formello (Rome).
Originally an urban planner, in 2005 he obtained a PhD in Territorial Policies and, in his professional and political activity, gained experiences in programming and strategic planning, management and policy organisation and integrated communication. He has carried out teaching activities at the Sapienza University of Rome and, in recent years, has dealt with infrastructures, hydrogeological instability, port facilities and logistics.
He is passionate about the territory, in all its historical, environmental, socio-cultural and economic complexities, which he studies as a planner and which he relates as a journalist.
His main fields of activity and interest are:
- Urban and territorial policies;
- Strategic planning;
- Territorial cohesion;
- Port facilities and logistics.
Among the most important experiences pertaining to his present role are:
- Implementation of community projects (INTERREG, LEADER+, EQUAL) on the Roman Tuscia territory with the purpose of territorial cohesion, as a member of the technical-scientific committee and board of directors;
Drafting of plans and public works documents such as the PRMTL (Piano Regionale della Mobilità, dei Trasporti e della Logistica della Regione Lazio), Integrated Plan for the Protection of the Coasts of Lazio and Strategic Development Plan for the Drafting of the Simplified Logistics Zone of the Central-Northern Tyrrhenian Sea; - Drafting and implementation of municipal and supramunicipal urban plans like the Variant of the General Urban Development Plan, Integrated Programmes, Implementation and Recovery Plans of the Municipality of Formello (Rome), PRUSST (Programma di Riqualificazione Urbana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile del Territorio “Patrimonio di San Pietro in Tuscia” led by Civitavecchia) and Integrated Programming Area “Terre di Veio“;
- Didactic activity by modules in Local Policies and Plan Project, Sustainable Transport Planning and Road Safety at Sapienza, Roma Tre and foreign universities.